Korea Recreational Vehicle Industry Association


Business Agreement for Supporting Up-Cycling Business Using Vehicle Waste Seats

관리자 ( krvia )2022.12.05Hit 461

On November 18 (Fri), the Korea Transportation Safety Authority signed a business agreement with Gimcheon City, Gimcheon Fire Station, Gimcheon Education Support Office, Gimcheon Social Security Council, and KRVIA to complete a circular environment system through waste reduction and high value-added recycling.

This business agreement is in accordance with the TS-Environmental Management Declaration of the mobility agency, and was promoted to complete a circular environment through waste reduction and high value-added recycling beyond the linear economy leading to mass production-disposal.

According to the agreement, the above six institutions upcycling the facilities generated when tuning cars to create an eco-friendly rest area for the public in Gimcheon

Through this MOU, KRVIA will make more efforts to complete the circular environment system through high value-added recycling and serve as the foundation for ECG's representative business.